My Cute Baby


the right approach   
you need to do a lot of research and ask questions to find out if a career with us appeals to you and if you have the qualities and commitment needed to succeed. adopting the right approach will help you learn about ubs and start developing relationships with our people.    
"think about the whole recruitment process, not just the interviews." ubs recruiter    
do your research   
attend some of our events   
ask questions and learn about ubs   
start a relationship with us   
make your decision   

do your research.   
learn about ubs and the industry from this web site and other sources. talk to any contacts you have - friends, relatives or alumni members. throughout your research try to get a feel for what business areas interest you and where you might fit in.    
attend some of our events.    
go to a ubs event in your region - an on-campus presentation, an educational workshop or some other marketing event. these are very useful for your research, giving you a unique insight into our business and direct access to the heart of our culture. they are also an important part of the recruitment process, where you can begin your relationship with us.    
ask questions and learn about ubs.   
at an event, think about what you are trying to get out of it. take advantage of this opportunity to meet our people, ask them searching questions and learn from their experiences. talk to business managers about their job and daily routine and leave recruitment questions for our hr recruiters. find out which business area you want to work in. much of what you learn here can be used later if you are selected for interview.    
start a relationship with us.   
your first contact with ubs is an important part of the recruitment process. it is a chance to make an impact and develop a relationship.    
"the whole recruiting process is about building relationships. it's a courtship, a first date and like all first dates, first impressions are important." ubs recruiter    
remember that ubs visits the top colleges, universities and business schools in the world, so we know you are smart. we want to know what you are like, what makes you different from the rest. it is your personality and passion that counts. don't make assumptions about how you should behave. just relax, be yourself and show us who you really are.    
we are looking for your ability to communicate and build relationships with people. we want to know if you could attract a client, how you would behave with them and what sort of work colleague you would be. to build these relationships you need good communication and social skills. show us you can do this and start by building a relationship with us.    
make your decision.   
through your research and contact with us, you will know if ubs is the company for you and if you want to apply for a position. you will have learned what we are looking for in candidates and realize if you have the drive, desire and passion for working at ubs. you are likely to know which business area you are interested in and have a basic understanding of ubs structure and our business.    
if you are selected for interview, visit our interview tips for some very helpful advice.   
interview tips    
we all know how difficult and stressful interviews can be. so what are the key ingredients to a successful interview at ubs?    
preparation and research   
interview techniques   
answering questions   

preparation and research    
practice makes perfect. to improve your interview skills, nothing beats real experience. if you have not had many interviews, try attending an interview skills workshop on campus.    
know your area. research the business area you applied for. you do not need to be an expert, but you should learn the key elements of the job. for instance, a good investment banker should know about accounting, financial statement analysis and valuation.    
know the people. before interviews, go to a ubs campus presentation or event and meet some of our people. if possible, try to find out about the person who is interviewing you.    
read all about it. your finger should be on the pulse, so read newspapers, see where ubs is in the media and check financial indicators such as the stock market and exchange rates. explore the website thoroughly and if you know somebody at ubs, pick their brains.    
interview techniques    

relax and be yourself. compose yourself. if you have prepared, there is no reason to be nervous. think of the interview not as an interrogation, but as a dialogue or conversation. there is no need to put on an act, or to try to impress by exaggerating.    
be open and honest. we want to know about your personality, your ideas, your interests, your experiences and what you have learned from them. let us find out who you really are. remember, we know you are intelligent, that's why we picked you for interview. what we want to know is what you are like as a person.    
answering questions    
listen and think. listen carefully to the question, think about what the interviewer is really asking and pause if you need to. you do not have to answer immediately, so there's no need to be scared of silences. perhaps rephrase the question out loud to give yourself time.    
"some people just start talking without thinking about what i'm really asking. if you haven't thought about the question, what's the point of trying to answer?" ubs recruiter    
don't pretend you know. if you are not sure of the answer, admit it. sometimes it is ok to say, "i don't know". maybe you just need the training and experience. so be honest about it.    
"some people think that if they take up time and fill space, i won't notice that they don't know the answer." ubs recruiter    
open up. sometimes we just need to know the way you think. if we ask, "what's your perspective on the market?" it is just a way to show how your mind works. this tells us a lot about your potential at ubs. don't limit your answers too much. open questions give you the chance to speak and show us who you are. explain and give us examples.    
be direct. on the other hand, try not to be too long answering a specific question. get to the point and be precise. assume that the interviewer may know the answer. so if you are asked what is 1 + 1, just say 2, it is not necessary to explain the math. remember, time is limited, so use the time effectively and don't waste this opportunity.    
to read about the interview experiences of ubs people who have joined us recently, check out new hire flashbacks.   
new hire flashbacks    

new ubs employees offer tips and advice on how to manage the recruitment process successfully based on their own recent experiences.    
general approach   
recruiting events   
preparing for interview   
the interview   

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